Offering the work of Patrick Alexander Architect as a product, rather than professional services.

The home profiled above, circa 2001 Austin Texas, is the seed stock for Loblolly Homes.

This collection of vernacular homes perform well in our hot-humid climate.  They share the same interior and exterior detailing systems.  This unique approach of limiting the palate results in a radically expedited drawing delivery schedule.

Speed is not often associated with top-shelf work.  We provide front end design certainty, with significant time and money savings.

Loblolly homes are priced at $7.00 per conditioned square foot, and can often be delivered in one week.  See here for a sample architectural set that includes MEP, slab drop & framing plans, setting the Structural Engineer up for a limited scope of work with minimal drawing.

Site planning is an additional service contingent on complexity.